Monday, May 3, 2010

The one thing i didn't expect with this was how good it came out it really looks like he was born that way. Well it came out better than I thought it really looks like rhino/panther and i almost got to look just like the guy on the video. The one thing i would of did different was making it look more real around its head not so stretchy. I'm most proud of the way it came out i think it really came out good. In general like i said before its going a little slow but hopefully i can really pick it up next week and finish a lot because I'm really don't want to come to school any more and its getting in the way of a lot of things.
The unexpected thing with making a elephant have zebra skin was stretching the zebra to fit the elephant and finding the right pattern to fit its tail and trunk. No it did not turn out the way i thought it would it looks wired but at the same time now you know what an elephant looks like with zebra skin. The one thing that took longer than i thought it would was putting patterns to fill in his trunk and tail then finding the right strips for his leg. On a scale one to ten i thought this project was a 10 cause I think its cool giving animals different skin. The class in general is going a little slow its harder then i thought it would be but at the same time I think this program is cool.

1 comment:

  1. great first project, isaiah. i agree, the rhino-panther looks great. i see what you mean about the stretchy part on the face -- the liquify tool can be tricky to maneuver.

    the zebra-elephant turned out well... unfortunately, the lines of the zebra print show whenever the pattern doesn't match up perfectly.

    overall, you've done a great job.

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 80
    Effort: 90
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 90
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 92
