Monday, May 3, 2010

I think i was spouse to learn the effect of how to create an allusion and i mastered it on the hippo/lizard but i don't think my birdzila kind of sucks. Yes the one unexpected thing was trying to match the skin or make it look as if they are part of each other. No it did not turn out the way i wanted i think i should of pick some other pictures. The one thing i would of changed is the pictures i should of picked different ones. I would rate my creativity on this at like a 4 out of 10 I could of did better.
The one unexpected thing with my hippo/lizard was how good it came out i think i did a wonderful job on this one. One thing that did take longer then i thought it would is matching the skin i tried so hard to match like he did in the video. I'm most proud of every thing in this picture because out of all the techniques I learned I liked this one the most. I rate this picture 9 out of 10 it almost looks like his in the video. Now I have been in this class awhile now and its going great I'm almost finish all I have to do is answer questions for my other pictures.

1 comment:

  1. you're not kidding! that hippo-lizard is awesome! you did a great job blending the skin. and the color match is very good.

    i think your lizard-eagle is very creative. and i like what you did to blend the feathers with the scales. the only thing i would suggest on this images is to make it less soft where the scales fade into the feathers.

    great work

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 90
    Effort: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 98
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 99
