Friday, May 7, 2010

Monsters Website

There more then one thing that was unexpected about this assignment. Like for one i didn't think i could do it create a website but i did and it was a lot easier then i thought it would be. No it turn out better then I thought it would it's actually pretty cool. The one thing I would do differently is I would take a little more time on it and make it cooler and better then it is now. On a scale 1 to 10 i rate my website at 81/2 cause its just that nice. Now my creativity on this assignment is very assume I think it came out great the way I added the different colors and made my words turn backwards.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I think i was spouse to learn how to create an effect of mist on any picture I think i did just not as well as i wanted to. The unexpected thing was trying to make the mist i didn't think it would be so hard to do but it was. No the picture did not turn out how i wanted next time I'm try to make it look more as if the mist was real. Yes it did take longer then I thought the whole process took longer but it was fun to do. On scale o 1 to 10 i give my picture about 61/2 I could of made the mist a little more misty.
Now on this picture I unexpectedly could of done better but i just couldn't make my mist look like his on the video. No it did not turn out the way i wanted I thought it would look better but it doesn't. Yes creating the mist took a little longer then i thought.The one thing i would of done differently is I would of tried a little harder to make my mist like his on the video. I'm not really proud of this picture it didn't turn out like i thought it would at all it was a lot harder to make the mist.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I think i was spouse to learn the effect of how to create an allusion and i mastered it on the hippo/lizard but i don't think my birdzila kind of sucks. Yes the one unexpected thing was trying to match the skin or make it look as if they are part of each other. No it did not turn out the way i wanted i think i should of pick some other pictures. The one thing i would of changed is the pictures i should of picked different ones. I would rate my creativity on this at like a 4 out of 10 I could of did better.
The one unexpected thing with my hippo/lizard was how good it came out i think i did a wonderful job on this one. One thing that did take longer then i thought it would is matching the skin i tried so hard to match like he did in the video. I'm most proud of every thing in this picture because out of all the techniques I learned I liked this one the most. I rate this picture 9 out of 10 it almost looks like his in the video. Now I have been in this class awhile now and its going great I'm almost finish all I have to do is answer questions for my other pictures.
The one thing i didn't expect with this was how good it came out it really looks like he was born that way. Well it came out better than I thought it really looks like rhino/panther and i almost got to look just like the guy on the video. The one thing i would of did different was making it look more real around its head not so stretchy. I'm most proud of the way it came out i think it really came out good. In general like i said before its going a little slow but hopefully i can really pick it up next week and finish a lot because I'm really don't want to come to school any more and its getting in the way of a lot of things.
The unexpected thing with making a elephant have zebra skin was stretching the zebra to fit the elephant and finding the right pattern to fit its tail and trunk. No it did not turn out the way i thought it would it looks wired but at the same time now you know what an elephant looks like with zebra skin. The one thing that took longer than i thought it would was putting patterns to fill in his trunk and tail then finding the right strips for his leg. On a scale one to ten i thought this project was a 10 cause I think its cool giving animals different skin. The class in general is going a little slow its harder then i thought it would be but at the same time I think this program is cool.