Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I think i was spouse to learn how to create an effect of mist on any picture I think i did just not as well as i wanted to. The unexpected thing was trying to make the mist i didn't think it would be so hard to do but it was. No the picture did not turn out how i wanted next time I'm try to make it look more as if the mist was real. Yes it did take longer then I thought the whole process took longer but it was fun to do. On scale o 1 to 10 i give my picture about 61/2 I could of made the mist a little more misty.
Now on this picture I unexpectedly could of done better but i just couldn't make my mist look like his on the video. No it did not turn out the way i wanted I thought it would look better but it doesn't. Yes creating the mist took a little longer then i thought.The one thing i would of done differently is I would of tried a little harder to make my mist like his on the video. I'm not really proud of this picture it didn't turn out like i thought it would at all it was a lot harder to make the mist.

1 comment:

  1. though it's a different kind of mist than in the tutorial, i like your first picture because it kind of looks real -- maybe the kind of mist you'd see in a fantasy movie on a lake.

    the ocean mist looks a little streaky, but it still looks cool.

    nice work

    Creativity: 100
    Artistry: 88
    Effort: 97
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 95
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 96
